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Get Support

At eRAD, we understand that your questions, concerns and feedback are invaluable. Our professional, responsive support team ensures that you are able to take full advantage of your eRAD system and that your ideas and suggestions have traction.

eRAD provides support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as a demonstration of our commitment to resolving issues as quickly as possible. We work for your success, so you can focus on what's important: providing quality care.

Customer Solutions Center

United States/Canada:(866)-414-3723


To utilize remote desktop support, please call our Customer Solutions Center and speak to a Customer Solutions Representative.

When calling support please have your Site ID available, your Site ID is:

Customer Education Webinars

Customer Education Webinars

A knowledgeable customer is a successful customer. That's our outlook, and we back it up by freely sharing our knowledge via webinars.

Customers can learn about eRAD technology and about our approach to important issues in healthcare.

Community Forums - Multiply Your Connections

Click here for our Community Forum

Participate in product-related conversations and exchange ideas relating to workflow, technology, best practices and all things related to eRAD.

Find a broad range of eRAD technology users as well as solutions and ideas for your practice. Discuss PACS, Meaningful Use, Speech Recognition, RIS, Critical Test Results and more. Whether the conversation is about an eRAD feature or the progress of your MU attestation, knowledge grows when we interact, engage and collaborate.

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